Taisho Mudflow Deposit at Kusawake
A volcanic eruption occurred at Mt.Tokachidake on 24th May 1926 caused mudflow. Mudflo…

Hill in Tokachidake-Geopark area is a very Hokkaido’s scenery.
The hills consist of Biei Pyroclastic Flow Deposit and Pyroclastic Flow Deposit.

Tokachidake Hot Springs
Tokachidake Hot Springs take advantage of a main heat source of thermal activity at Nu…

Block Slope on Central Cone Lava
Central Cone Lava shaped in eruption almost 500 years ago is called aa lava, which is …

Unconformity between Ugetsuzawa Pyroclastic Flow Deposit and Bikai Formation
You can observe unconformity which is an overlapping joint between deposit in the shal…

Kamifurano History Museum
This museum exhibits the origin of the land, history of cultivation and disaster of To…